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Dark Self Exhibition


In the Spring Term, pupils, staff and families at The Mount School were invited to join in with embroidering pillowcases for an Art Installation in York.  The exhibition piece, Dark Self, by artist Susan Aldworth, is now on show at York St Mary’s Church from 7 June to 3 September.

Some of the pillowcases, embroidered by Mounties, which feature in Susan Aldwarth’s installation, Dark Self.

In The Dark Self, Aldworth uses the pillowcase as a visual metaphor for sleep, and it is a recurring motif. The exhibition at York St Mary’s will focus on different interpretations of sleep reflecting the complexity of the subject. You will be immersed in the installation – One Thousand and One Nights – which will consist of hundreds of embroidered pillowcases sewn by people from all over the UK – prisoners, schoolchildren, craft groups and students from the Royal School of Needlework as well as many members of the public.

Shown are some of the final works submitted by Mount community, that appear in the installation.