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Fancy Dress and Halloween Fun


No tricks just treats here as the return to school saw pupils from across the year groups taking part in a variety of ‘Halloween themed’ activities and festivities to mark the annual celebration.  

Despite being away on a residential to Calton Lodge Activity Centre on Monday evening, pupils in Year 7 still managed to successfully participate in the Halloween fun. In a welcome adaptation to the traditional game of apple bobbing, the girls created doughnut dangling, which unsurprisingly proved very popular, as well as delicious! 

Not wanting to miss out on dressing up, the girls later wore their finest Halloween costumes as they displayed a range of brilliant and unique fancy dress options, including a cat, a corpse bride, and a very creative bag of jellybeans.  

In the spirit of dressing up, the Boarding House was haunted by vampires and an unfortunate girl who had suffered quite a nasty head injury. Whilst wearing their costumes, the boarders carved an array of different-sized and shaped pumpkins to fill with candlelight and display around the house. 

Over in Junior School, the girls decorated Halloween biscuits and played a game of spooky musical art. They enjoyed dancing around the art table and listening to the monster mash, when the music stopped, they painted. 

View the full Halloween gallery… if you dare!

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