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GCSE Geographers Investigate Keswick


Our intrepid GCSE Geographers returned today from Keswick, in the Lake District, where they investigated the impacts of tourism on the village of Grasmere, studying the effect of the rivers and exploring the glacial landscapes of the area.

The group was blessed with perfect weather conditions for the trip. Even though they all worked hard until 8pm each evening, the girls absolutely loved it. A small group even arose early each morning to catch first glimpse of the sunrise.

I loved going on the Geography field trip. On the second day we went to collect data from a local river to see how we could prevent flooding in Keswick, we measured depth, velocity, stone size and roundness. We then had a water fight in the river and got very wet! – Rosie

The highlight of the trip for me was been able to visualise what we are learning in the classroom and appreciating the natural beauty of the landscape and having fun outside of the classroom with our friends. – Sophie

A highlight for us was bat hunting and we learnt how to measure a river. – Olivia and Abigail

A highlight for me was playing in the rivers and also learning how a corrie is formed. – Leilani

A highlight was the water fight and learning how to use GIS to map our results. – Caroline and Lily

A highlight was measuring the river and learning how it changes with distance downstream. – Alabama

A highlight was the views and the sheep. I learnt about rivers and what velocity was. – Kveta

A highlight was the views and I learnt something I hadn’t learnt before. – Rossana

I liked climbing the mountains and when we were working in the rivers. – Ella

My favourite part of the trip was the second day when we had a massive water fight in the river and made friends with the sheep. The landscape was also so beautiful. – Izzy

My highlight was the water fight in the river and the mountain sheep. – Romilly

My highlight was the water fight, also making friends and interacting more with people. I learnt about how to collect data and organise it into graphs. – Ellis

The views were fantastic. Especially the last day as we were at the lake. Also, the measuring of the river was very interesting. – Franka

The highlight for me was the lake on the last day because it was so beautiful and the weather was nice, although the process was so hard. – Hazel