To celebrate National Writers Day today, our Junior School and Early Years pupils welcomed illustrator Ailsa Burrows. She told them all about writing her book, The Jar of Happiness, and how she went about writing it and having the book published. It took around two years from completing the work to having the finished product released. Ailsa invited the girls to write their own stories, which they did with much gusto!
“It’s really nice to be here, always so inspiring. I was really impressed by what they did, the girls were amazing! I loved how much thought they put into their drawings and how excited they were. It’s always inspiring to see them reacting, and their answers were so good,” said Ailsa.
“It was fun doing the drawings of our favourite things. I really enjoyed the book. I liked the cat and the Jar of Happiness with the bell,” said Catherine (Year 3).
“It made us feel happy while we were drawing and having fun. There was a cat in the story who was really funny,” added Jessica (Year 3).