Girls at The Mount School York celebrate outstanding GCSE results

Despite the cancellation of public examinations, girls in Year 11 continued to work diligently in online lessons and revision sessions. Today they celebrate the fruits of their hard work with many girls receiving GCSE grades 7 and above (A-A* equivalent) in a large number of subjects.
Adrienne Richmond, Principal of The Mount commented, “All of our girls and teaching staff worked extremely hard during lockdown to support the girls’ studies. Lessons were quickly adapted to maximise the benefits online learning. Despite the unusual and uncertain times of the last few months our girls remained focussed on their studies and were determined to achieve their best. They displayed resilience and determination, inspirational qualities that flourish in our all-girl setting.
“My congratulations go to all of the girls. Witnessing them opening their results this morning, in a socially distanced manner, was quite an emotional experience. For many girls it was the first time they had returned to School since March. The sheer joy on their faces showed a relief that their continued commitment to their studies had been worthwhile. I am extremely proud of Year 11, not just for their GCSE results but for the progress they have achieved, both academically and personally. It has been a privilege for Mount staff to watch them develop in character and confidence over the years and we look forward to guiding their learning journey through our Sixth Form College.”
High grades were awarded today across the curriculum including STEM, creative and humanities subjects. The Mount champions all subjects equally, with girls able confidently explore subjects that interest them, free from gender stereotypes. Bespoke curricula are tailored to inspire and encourage girls’ own love of learning. Girls engage with the content and dedicated staff deploy teaching methods which best support the many unique ways that girls learn.