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The Mount Senior School offers girls a diverse range of subjects.  STEM subjects, humanities, modern languages and creative arts are taught to girls from Year 7 through to Sixth Form.

Pupils from a young age are able to experience a variety of activities to find out where their interests lie

Excellent teaching in facilitating subjects empowers our pupils’ diverse successes, evident in the variety of our students’ university destinations, courses and apprenticeships. Our dedicated staff are passionate about their subjects, guided by our Quaker ethos, they foster mutually respectful relationships with every pupil.

Key Stage Three – Year 7 to Year 9

At The Mount Senior School the Lower School curriculum is designed to help our younger pupils settle in to Senior School life. At this age, girls are learning about themselves, discovering their passions and exploring new subjects. In these important initial years of Senior School, we provide a supportive and friendly environment in which girls can flourish academically and achieve their full potential. We prepare our girls for the world of examinations, whilst instilling a love of learning.

In Years 7-9, girls study a wide range of subjects which include Art, Latin, Drama, Geography, History as well as core subjects Science, Maths, English and Modern Languages. Modern teaching by specialist teachers who are expert in girls’ education is key.


“The success of every girl is a result of the teacher’s dedication and passion for their subject and the ethos of The Mount, for every girl to succeed to the best of her ability. One of the many benefits of The Mount over a larger school is that all the time, there is more individual help and support.”


GCSE – Year 10 and Year 11

In Years 10 and 11, girls prepare for GCSE Examinations. The Mount Senior School, provides a variety of GCSE courses which allows pupils to continue to study a breadth of subjects and the subjects they enjoy. This enables girls to keep their options open for post-16 education.  Every pupil studies the core six GCSE Subjects: English and English Literature, Mathematics, a Modern Foreign Language and Science (Double award for two IGCSEs, or three separate sciences).

In addition to the core subjects, girls choose three or four optional subjects. Most of our girl’s study for 9 GCSEs. Some may take fewer or more, dependent upon individual circumstances and after consultation with school staff.


Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

All girls follow a programme of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education.  PSHE Education is a planned programme of learning through which our girls acquire skills and understanding for now, as well as preparing them for adult life. Our aim is to help girls develop self-confidence, build effective communication skills and develop positive relationships with those around them.

PSHE at The Mount Senior School is underpinned by social justice, and focuses on promoting well-being and nurturing resilience through social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of pupils.  Our PSHE teaching places social justice and well-being at its heart creating an awareness of the mind and how it works.  We teach girls to be confident decision makers and experts in looking after themselves, both bodily and mentally.

Each year group also follows the PeaceJam Compassion in Action Curriculum in which they explore case studies of a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate such as Jodi Williams and Desmond Tutu, and apply those case studies to what they do in their everyday lives when managing relationships with friends, family and others around them.