In The Mount Senior School we have a tradition of ‘openness’ to parental enquiry as this is in the best interests of the girls in our care.

Our staff enjoy positive relationships with both pupils and parents
Parents can approach Personal Tutors and relevant Heads of Year should they have any worries or concerns about their daughter. All pupils receive school reports including updates on their academic curriculum. During the course of the year we hold parents’ evenings at the School so that parents can meet with staff who teach their daughter. When travelling abroad on international trips, staff meet with parents of Boarders to discuss the pastoral and academic progress of their daughters.
Parents’ Forum
We value parent feedback and parental engagement is crucial for the vitality of our School Community. At The Mount, we host a termly Parents’ Forum. The Parents’ Forum is a vehicle for exchange of information and ideas between staff and parents. Parents’ Forum comprises of a parent representative for each year group, and members of the Senior Leadership Team. Meetings are held termly and parent representatives can feedback on initiatives and developments within the School.

MSA Fundraising Group
There is also a Mount School Association (MSA) Fundraising Group which meets informally at regular intervals. This group organises social and fundraising activities throughout the year, money from which is given back to the School to buy supplementary resources and extras that staff and pupils would like to have. Recent events including our popular Pizza, Puzzle and Party Event, have raised funds for outdoor play equipment.