Fraud Blocker

At The Mount Senior School we offer a number of Scholarship Awards to girls who show excellence and potential in a range of disciplines. These currently include:

  • Academic

  • Art

  • Music

  • Performing Arts

  • Sport


Mount School Scholarships

Scholarships are available for entry into Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12. Music Scholarships can be applied for on entry into the Senior School.

Apart from Music Scholarships all Scholarships are honorary, however all Scholarships including Music can be applied for alongside a means-tested bursary.

Read more about Scholarships and the application process in out Scholarships Booklet by clicking on the below link.

The Mount School Scholarships & Bursaries 2025


Music Scholarships

Music Scholarships, with up to 50% fee remission are available on entry into the Senior School and will be awarded to girls of outstanding musical ability or potential. They are awarded based on performance in a live audition and tests, and a good performance in general School entrance assessments. Music Scholarships can be applied for throughout the year.

Scholarships for Sixth Form College Entry (External Applicants)

We offer a means-tested Heads Scholarship/bursary up to 100%, for applicants from maintained schools who achieve 7+ Grade 7/8/9 at GCSE. Scholarships are offered on predicted GCSE grades and secured after the public examination result in August. Please contact our Admissions. to find out more.


Senior School Bursaries

The Mount School has a long history of providing financial assistance to pupils and their families through bursaries. The awarding of bursaries is embedded in The Mount School’s culture and is something in which we passionately believe. Bursaries are available for entry into Year 7 and above. It is our aim to reach out to those children whose families cannot meet the cost of fees unaided and offer them the opportunity to receive a Mount School education in the Senior School years.




Bursaries are available for UK applicants on entry into Year 7, Year 9 and Sixth Form College. Bursaries are intended to provide financial support for lower-income families so that their daughters may benefit from a Mount School education.

A bursary is means-tested, so the value of the bursary is relative to the financial resources of the pupil’s family. A bursary is expressed as a percentage of the standard day fee and will reduce the termly bills proportionately.

To find out more about Bursaries and the application process please click on the link below or alternatively you can contact the Finance Department.




Discounts of 5% are available for pupils who are members of a Quaker meeting, or whose parents are current members of the armed forces.

Siblings of a current pupil will receive a 5% discount, for as long as the older sibling remains in the School.