The Mount welcomes girls from all over the world. International students experience the UK’s world-class education, cultural heritage and community spirit by being at the heart of The Mount community.
Our Boarders come from a diverse range of backgrounds
The international community currently represents several different countries including: Hong Kong, Mexico, Italy, South Korea, China, Spain, Germany, France and the UK. We provide an environment where everyone is respected and valued. Each child is treated as an individual and can reflect and thrive in an atmosphere of individual growth.

We understand that pupils and their parents will feel some trepidation as they move countries and experience new cultures for the first time
Our staff are experienced in providing extensive support and guidance to pupils as they settle in. Our Quaker Ethos means we value and respect every individual, no matter where they are from, their faith or their culture. We are also aware that from time-to-time pupils will miss home; other Boarders and staff will soon help them feel better. We encourage close communication between staff, parents and pupils to help with any issues that may arise.
Short Stays
We offer international pupils short stays from one term to one academic year. This allows pupils the opportunity to immerse themselves in British culture and improve their English language skills.
Pupils are fully integrated into the life of The Mount School. They take part in lessons, activities and trips with Boarders and day pupils, developing friendships with children of different nationalities. They benefit from a tailored programme designed to enhance their level of English and develop their academic and social skills-set.

English Language Skills
Whilst we expect our pupils to have a basic level of English on arrival, we have an excellent English as an Additional Language (EAL) department. The EAL department aims to equip pupils for whom English is not their first language with the necessary skills and confidence in the use of English Language to allow them to integrate successfully in their environment and access the School curriculum. Discover More.

Educational Guardians
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of every boarding pupil. Therefore, we require the parents of all boarding pupils who do not live in the United Kingdom to appoint an Educational Guardian or guardianship organisation to act on their behalf. All guardians are invited to attend School events, parent meetings and concerts. We also encourage them to make regular contact with the Head of Boarding. The School does not appoint educational guardians in order to avoid any possible conflict. It is therefore the parent’s/carer’s responsibility to appoint an educational guardian. Please read our Guardianship policy for more information.

“The Mount gives its students so much, not just academically, but it produces truly wonderful girls. They are self-confident, mature and well-rounded, open for new challenges and well prepared for University. The teachers are supportive and lovely and all students are incredibly friendly, creating a unique homely atmosphere at the school. My daughter enjoyed going to school and enjoyed her lessons, which she never did at school back in Germany. We would recommend The Mount to everyone who has the opportunity to send their daughters there.”
Boarding Parent