Izzy to Perform at The Royal Albert Hall

Having previously attended the National Youth Choirs Residential programme over the summer holidays, Izzy was ecstatic to announce her invitation to return to performing alongside them.
During the Easter break Izzy will travel to Kent for a second residential development programme which will conclude with a celebratory performance. The special concert is to mark the 40th anniversary of the National Youth Choirs and will take place in the exquisite Royal Albert Hall in London. The grand performance in April will see all choirs gather to perform individually and collaboratively in what promises to be a truly spectacular occasion.
‘The theme of the concert and new music commission will be Celebration and Belonging. The concert will be split into two halves and will feature an innovative mix of live and digital elements, including a creative reimagining of Thomas Tallis’ 40-part motet Spem in Alium with digital elements in the first half, Shenandoah being sung by our alumni community and, to conclude the evening, the new 40-part commission, written by Ben Parry.’ – National Youth Choirs Great Britain Website.
“I have only seen the outside of the Royal Albert Hall so far; it will be a lovely experience and I am really excited.” – Izzy, Year 7
Izzy’s choir, the National Youth Girls Choir will undertake their Spring residential immediately before the performance, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the musical environment and finesse their technique.
The choristers and NYCGB Young Composers work together during the residentials to develop choral skills, individual vocal technique and musicianship. You can hear some of the recordings they produced during the Summer Residential Programme by clicking the Spotify links below:
The Mount School would like to congratulate Izzy on this wonderful opportunity, we look forward to hearing all about your experience singing at The Royal Albert Hall after the Easter Half Term.