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Junior Girls Become Published Poets


The Mount Junior School Creative Writing Club are celebrating after having their first poems published!

Girls from Year 5 and 6 at The Mount School York’s Junior School entered poems in the This Is Me poetry competition, run by Young Writers.

The Young Writers initiative invited children to write a poem to celebrate themselves in verse, for an anthology entitled This Is Me. It provided the Creative Writing Club with the opportunity to explore who they are, their personalities, how their friends view them and discuss their emotions. The girls submitted a variety of creative poems from recipe ideas, rhyming lists and personality ingredients.

This week, the girls were delighted to see their works published in the finished anthology, which is now available to buy. Title’s published included A Milkshake of Me, How To Make a Me and I am Me.

Isabelle, Year 6 comments, “It’s fun looking at a book and seeing our poems in it. It is cool reading the book and thinking I wrote that – that is my name! Everyone agrees that my poem is very me!”

Ms Snowden, who runs the Creative Writing Club at The Mount Junior School added, “The girls really enjoy creative writing, and I am always impressed by their imaginative ideas. The ‘This Is Me’ topic gave them an enjoyable opportunity to think more about themselves and who they are. Giving the children a chance to be published added another incentive and motivation to really explore the topic. We are so proud to have the girls’ poems published. We have a lot of budding authors in our midst at The Mount, so this could be the first of many for them!”

A copy of the Anthology of original works, entitled This is Me, will go on display in the Junior Library. Well done, girls!

The Mount Junior School’s English lessons are designed to lay the foundations of literacy, reading, and writing as well as sparking children’s imagination. The Creative Writing Club is an extension of the English lessons allowing girls with a keen interest for language and writing to be stretched further and really explore their passions.