It’s Quaker Week this week, with the national theme “Room For More”.
Quakers In Britain have asked of Friends:
“As Quakers we offer a table already rich with good things, but we recognise that it is incomplete. What’s missing from the table? How can we let people know that there’s a space for them? How might we show people that their unique perspectives enhance that space?”
We want everyone to bring and share. There is room for more at the table, and we value everyone who might sit at it. Our gathering around that table enriches us all.
In the Senior School, a Morning Meeting presentation to all year groups examined the theme. Year 10 focused on Diversity and Year 11 reflected on Equality.
Each year group also gave an action that they will complete to ensure that these topics remain a School-wide focus throughout the year.
College students have a lovely Common Room, which they reinvigorated with grand plans for a Compliments Board, a Meditation Board and they discussed ways they can support each other over the coming year. College II girls are now engaging with Global Thinking sessions which will augment their understanding of issues outside of the school life, from the plight of migrants off the Libyan coast to problems presented by plastics in the ocean.