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First Forest School For the New Term


On Friday, pupils in Pre-School and Junior School enjoyed their first Forest School session of the Autumn Term.  

The girls headed to our on-site Forest School and woodlands area to enjoy the great outdoors and immerse themselves in nature, The girls also learnt about the boundary of our spacious woodland and the safety rules within our school grounds. 

The children turned explorers, as they went off in search of treasures hidden by the naughty squirrels, finding pinecones of various shapes and sizes buried amongst the leaves and foliage.  

It was then time for a quick snack before they all enjoyed some leisurely playtime  — climbing trees, balancing logs, and investigating the fallen conkers. 

Forest School provides the ideal opportunity for children to take their learning outside the classroom. Introduced initially in Scandinavia, the concept recognises the importance of children’s contact with nature in allowing them to develop new and exciting learning styles and skills. Outdoor Education in The Junior School is included as part of our Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2. Each class has several blocks of 1.5 hour lessons per term. Sessions take place both in the School grounds and off-site.  Through these sessions, pupils build confidence, become aware of the world around them, learn to be a team player, take risks, develop new skills and most importantly enjoy themselves.

Previous Story: A.S. Byatt’s Book is Adapted