This term, Year 3 and 4 have been exploring ‘Food From Other Cultures’ in their Global Thinking lessons.
As part of their delve into cultural cuisine, the girls’ families were invited to share special foods from their own backgrounds and traditions. Pupils brought in an array of interesting and diverse foods from a wide range of cultural heritages for the class to sample. So far, the girls have enjoyed Laila’s Chinese New Year dumplings, Rusne’s Lithuanian Šakotis cake, eaten on special occasions, and Lorelei’s fastnachts (potato-based doughnuts) with apple butter, from the Central Appalachian Mountain region of the United States.
As well as getting to experience the different flavours and textures of new and exciting dishes, pupils shared information about the history of the foods and the traditions associated with them. Rusne’s Sakotis cake was as impressive to look at as it was to eat! The recipe used over 30 eggs and is cooked over a spit to achieve the stunning ‘tree shape’.
Lorelei’s fastnacht recipe is reminiscent of the traditional shrove Tuesday celebrated in the UK, in which the very best foods are eaten up before the Lenten fast. She explained that there are different types of fasnacht, each made from slightly different components, one made with yeast, one made with baking powder, and one made with potatoes and yeast. All are slightly crispy on the outside and not as sweet as standard doughnuts. The samples kindly brought in by Lorelei and her family were bitesize and came in two flavours, glazed and cinnamon. Each enjoyed equally by the girls!
“I love them!”
“They remind me of doughnut holes and jam jams – but without the jam”
‘It reminds me of a yum yum”
“I like the glazed one the best, I love it!”
Still to come this half-term are Tiff’s traditional Palestinian breakfast – pitta breads with labneh and za’atah – and Nora’s Tex-Mex breakfast tacos. Quite a feast!