Junior School Stay and Play

Junior School children were excited to welcome their parents to The Mount for play and stay sessions this week.
On Thursday, Pre-School children were elated to welcome back parents for a ‘Stay and Play Session’! For many girls this was the first opportunity to show their family around their classroom. They had great fun painting, making play dough models & reading their favourite stories before enjoying snacks in the dining room.
On Friday, it was the turn of Reception and Year 1 to invite parents into their classrooms. Miss Capper met the children and parents on the tennis courts before showing them round to the Junior School. A selection of activities awaited including an ice melting messy play and make your own playdough Red Noses, to mark Comic Relief. The children took great pride in showing off their work books chatting eagerly about all the different activities they have completed this term.
Later in the morning the girls were joined by their Year 6 buddies who took the families on a tour of the Junior School.
“Thank you for a lovely morning. All of the parents thoroughly enjoyed themselves and it was wonderful to see why the girls love school so much.” Year 1 Parent
“Today we looked at our work with our mums and dads. I liked looking upstairs with our buddies.” Edie – Reception
“I enjoyed all of it, but best of all was making the paper flowers and having cupcakes!” – Florence – Year 1