Old Scholars Reunite

The excitement in the air was palpable as the women gathered for Coffee and Croissants in the Dining Room before proceeding to School Hall for the MOSA (The Mount Old Scholars’ Association) Gathering.
The group size doubled thanks to Old Scholars who had joined online via Zoom. David Griffiths, the first male to lead The Mount since co-founder William Tuke retired in 1804, gave an address which was followed by a lively presentation by current College I girls, The Sixth Form pupils shared an update of events over the past year which included sports, music, trips, boarding, academia, careers, Quaker faith and of course The Mount’s Junior School. The soon-to-be-launched MOSA portal was introduced, as well as mention of upcoming events.
The Old Scholars’ community had been invited to submit in advance their queries and comments for discussion during the gathering. These queries and comments were shared and discussed in turn.
The Mount’s longest-serving member of staff, Wendy Thompson, was present in the gathering and at lunch and very much enjoyed spending time with the alumnae. The group, who were attending their 20-year-reunion, shared anecdotes of their time at school and since over a delicious lunch of paella, salads, soup, fresh bread and light puddings, created by the school’s award-winning caterers.
Tours of the school were hosted by the College girls, who loved hearing the Old Scholars’ stories of memories and mischief as they walked along.
An enjoyable 2022 Reunion Day was had by all.