The auction house, Bonhams, is offering later this month an original Ruskin drawing, the sale of which will boost The Mount’s bursary funds.
John Ruskin‘s original drawing, La Cascade de la Folie, Chamonix, goes on sale at Bonhams on 29 March in their 19th Century and British Impressionist Art auction. Bonhams will provide The Mount with a high quality replica, which will take the place of the original in the Library, with proceeds of the sale supporting the School’s Bursary fund appeal with The Mount School York Foundation.
The sale is a very rare opportunity to purchase a piece of art which has been held by The Mount. La Cascade de la Folie, Chamonix, was believed to be a ‘lost’ work after it was sold in 1904 by the estate of the late John Simon of Birmingham, but the picture graced The Mount’s Library mantle for many years. The fact that it is a Ruskin original was unheralded, presumably to consciously safeguard the School from becoming a target. We hope that members of our School community will support the sale by joining the bidding or bringing the sale to the attention of keen collectors amongst their acquaintance.
Christopher Newall, art historian, lecturer and acknowledged specialist in Ruskin‘s work, says, “Few better examples of the sublimation of (Ruskin‘s) emotional instincts may be seen than in his drawings of natural forms and landscape.”
For details about Bonham’s auction of 19th Century and British Impressionist Art on 29 March, please click here.
For further details about the drawing, La Cascade de la Folie, Chamonix, please click here. To read an article by Christopher Newall about the drawing, please click here.