On Saturday, The Mount School hosted the Quakers in Yorkshire Quarterly Meeting.
Quakers in Yorkshire is a regional gathering of the Religious Society of Friends in Britain (Quakers in Britain). It provides spiritual fellowship and pan-Yorkshire services to members and attendees in its constituent local area meetings.
Each October, Head Teachers, staff, pupils and Committee members join the quarterly meeting. During the morning meeting reports were read from both Bootham and The Mount School. Sophie and Rosie, members of The Mount’s College Leadership Team, eloquently spoke of how The Mount’s desire to become more sustainable shaped this July’s Eco Festival. They went on to share the ways in which Mount pupils interpreted the theme of this year’s Quaker week.
“The theme of Quaker week this year was ‘share your light’. The Mount has focused on the community aspect of this theme and each house is running a project to help local and global communities. Terry house has decided to focus on the Quaker value of sustainability and are in the midst of planning a mural for our school community. This mural will be made entirely of recycled materials. Fry are supporting the global community by putting together ‘Life bags’, bags of essential hygiene products and warm clothes, for those suffering from the war in Ukraine. Cadbury are knitting hats and blankets for the premature babies at the premature baby unit in York and finally Rowntree are collating shoe boxes of small toys, school supplies and hygiene items to donate, as part of the Christmas Shoe Box appeal, to children across York.”
In the afternoon, the meeting focused on the causes and consequences of Resource Scarcity on the well-being of our environment, looking at this from a conflict, population growth and international development perspective. This included presentations and a panel discussion. The panel comprised of Professor Paul Rogers, Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford, Martin Schweiger of Quaker Concern over Population (QCOP), and Digby Swift, former Senior Adviser in the UK Department for International Development. The lively discussion welcomed questions and comments from participants.