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College Geography Residential to the Cranedale Centre


The Cranedale Centre in Kirby Grindalythe, a village in the heart of the picturesque Yorkshire Wolds, was base for the annual College 1 Geography residential this year.  

Day 1 involved an exploration of the rural Yorkshire landscape. Using maps and first-hand observations the students were able to interpret the landscape and to visualise what the area would have looked like at the end of the last ice age. Evidence of the impacts of the ice are still visible in the Yorkshire landscape today, most notably in the new course of the river Derwent. 

The second day began in Dalby Forest comparing the Water and Carbon cycle in a moorland and forested ecosystem. A variety of skills were honed, including sampling techniques, soil moisture content, plant species identification and carbon water content and understanding, of which is vital to mitigate climate change. 

The geographer’s final day was spent investigating perception of place in Scarborough. They used a variety of techniques from emotional mapping to word pictures and non-participant observations.  

“I really enjoyed the trip and the Cranedale centre staff were so welcoming and helpful. I loved the 3-course evening meal and breakfast as it was so delicious. It was a really cosy and relaxing environment and evenings were spent in the common room playing games as a group” – Chloe 

“I really enjoyed calculating the carbon stored in the trees. We measured the height and circumference of the tree then we tested the soil moisture, infiltration and humidity of the area by using a random sampling technique” – Afsha  

“I found it very interesting to see all the glacial landforms including moraines, a solifluction terrace and a nivation hollow. Seeing them in person has been really helpful for me to remember their characteristics and I found it fascinating how ice 18,000 years ago still has effects today” – Eulalie  

“I found that doing work outside in an isolated rural area was a new and interesting experience. We used equipment I was unfamiliar with before such as an infiltration tube and a rod that could calculate soil moisture. It was fun doing practical work.” – Ayu  

“I really enjoyed the human geography on the last day. It was so interesting navigating round Scarborough collating data and doing word maps with beautiful views of the sea. The ice cream at the end made it even better” Maddi  

Pupils began the ‘Changing Lives’ Geography topic with an investigation of their local place, Bishopthorpe Road, also fondly known as ‘Bishy Road.’  

Read more about how the students engaged with their local place and how it has developed over time. To conclude, the group will be drawing comparisons between the two places.

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