University of York STEM Partnership Announced

The Mount School, York, is delighted to announce the development of a partnership with the University of York as part of its outreach programme for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
We are pleased to announce that for Key Stages 3, 4, and 5, we have a wide range of opportunities for pupils to become involved, with support from Dr Yihua Hu, Reader at the University’s School of Physics, Engineering and Technology.
Girls in Key Stage 5 will have the opportunity to hear from Dr Hu, who specialises in renewable energy generation and power electronics, in an upcoming Academic Speakers’ lecture to be held later this year. They will also visit the laboratories within the university to experience the realities of day-to-day life as a research engineer, alongside staff and PhD students.
As befits our Quaker ethos, our Key Stage 5 activities will involve the issuing of invitations for other schools, including coeducational ones, to attend. For pupils interested in applying for post-A Level STEM courses this will, combined with their EPQ and extra-curricular offerings, provide additional support to their applications.
Key Stage 4 pupils will work on a project specifically concerned with the development of new, high-technology speakers. In addition, girls will have the chance to consider how technology is developing the world around them and how they can contribute to this through their studies of STEM subjects.
For our Key Stage 3 pupils, we are aspiring to enter The Greenpower Challenge. The charity run challenge is a national competition between schools where pupils design, build and race their own electric vehicles. This gives the girls the opportunity to apply their theoretical learning within the classroom, to real-world situations, supporting them in continuing their education at world-class universities, upon the completion of their studies at The Mount.
More information will follow later this year to assist our girls in deciding if these STEM-based opportunities are beneficial to them and their futures.