Dorothy Fung (2015-17) MSc Visits

We were delighted on the last day of the half-term to welcome back to The Mount Old Scholar Dorothy Fung (2015-17) who is freshly graduated with a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College, London.
Dorothy, who now works in Hong Kong as a professional engineer, returned to London for her graduation ceremony and wanted to visit The Mount to meet her former teachers before returning to the Far East. During her visit, she took time to speak with College and GCSE students about her time at The Mount, applying for university and university life.
“My best years of my life were at The Mount,” Dorothy told Year 11s during their PSHE lesson. “In terms of my personal organisation, my work ethic and my work-life balance, it was the best I’ve ever been.” She described College studies as being a big plus as it helped to separate study from home time, especially as an international boarder.
She shared with College I Physics pupils the importance, as a woman, of making your mark and speaking up for yourself. “If I would not speak, they assumed I was not competent and could not do the work. As women, we must use our voice,” said Dorothy, in answer to a question about going from an all-girls’ educational environment to study in a male-dominated course.
Over tea with David Griffiths, Principal, Dorothy shared that her best memories of The Mount were the College I pantomime and the College II Leavers’ Play, which brought together girls from the whole year.
Mount Old Scholars love returning to visit the school. Old Scholars are enthusiastic and generous mentors for younger women who are starting out in their careers, and even for those who change careers later in life. “It has been wonderful to visit and see my old teachers. You never really feel like you leave The Mount,” said Dorothy.