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We Know Girls Can, 2022 Reflections


With the summer holidays in full swing, some of our pupils across Senior School and College reflect on the last year and all that they have achieved in the last 12 months.  

The unique nurturing environment of The Mount School perfectly complements the academic and personal development of girls, allowing them to grow in self-awareness as they mature and explore new experiences and continue their learning.  

Pupils expressed their fondness for the friendships and close relationships that they have formed as they shared their personal highlights. Yasmine in Year 9 described her relief to being back in a classroom environment, commenting, “I loved most of the year, but I especially liked spending times with my friends in and out of lessons. Having friendly conversations with teachers and older students has been quite exciting. I also enjoyed being to see people in person following the Covid-19 restrictions last year.” 

In a similar vein, Romey, in Year 8 mentioned the friends she had made and how they helped contribute to her favourite memories over the last year. Her highlights also included many trips, extracurricular activities and sporting achievements, including; “The Alice in wonderland play, having a laugh with friends, Edinburgh trip, rounders and meeting with nutcrackers”. The close-knit community feel of The Mount School allows for excellent mentoring partnerships to naturally occur across the year groups. Our ‘nutcracker’ programme successfully pairs lower Senior School pupils with a Year 12 girl to help guide them through the latter stages of their school experience as they take on exams and begin preparations for their next steps.  

The Mount School’s friendly community welcomes all and aims to support and encourage fellow pupils across all years. Looking back on her past year, Anabel recalled, “gaining confidence and putting myself out there” A testament to the supportive atmosphere that encapsulates the whole school and the confidence instilled in the girls here. Anabel also described what she enjoys most about life at The Mount as Being able to still be girls and not worry about growing up too quickly.” Flora, Year 9 added, “We are all allowed to follow our dreams and express ourselves” The all-female cohort has a positive influence on the self-esteem and self-confidence of every pupil, and they continue to thrive and flourish year upon year.

The girls speak confidently and proudly of their achievements and are keen to share their experiences here:

What accomplishment from the year you are most proud of? 

“I am proud of winning the Science Progress prize for the second year in a row” – Flora, Year 9 

“Being in and recognised in the school play, I feel really proud of the part I played, it was perfect for me” – Vanessa, College I 

“Winning the York netball tournament with the team” – Chloe, Year 8


 What do you enjoy most about being at The Mount School? 

“The atmosphere and how much of a community we are and how there’s always someone to go too. How kind everyone is and how easy it is to get along with everyone. Hanging around with my friends at break and talking about irrelevant drama” Charlotte, Year 8 

“The close community between teachers, friends, and different year groups” – Minnie, Year 8 

“Friends and how everyone accepts each other for who they are” – Emily, Year 8 

“That you can be open about your worries and that people will understand” – Ayesha, Year 7 

“The amount of extracurricular support and opportunities, the feel of the school” – Vanessa, College I 


What has been your highlight of the school year? 

“My highlight has been dancing in the rain after trying on prom dresses from Oxfam for a more sustainable Strawberry Ball when my friends stayed after school”Vanessa, College I 

Previous Story: The Mountie Bucket List 2022