It’s a ‘Yums Up’ for Middle Feast Day at The Mount!

You know you’re at a great school when the youngest members of the community – our Pre-Schoolers – get a real say in the food served.
Take today when the whole of Junior School became Taste Buddies. Chef Ben whipped up delicious Middle Eastern falafel and creamy beetroot hummus with homemade pomegranate-infused lemonade, and let our junior experts give their verdicts.
Edie said: “I Looooove it” with a big smile on her face.
Alexa said, “I really like Taste Buddies Day when you try food you haven’t had before.”
Grace said, “I love all of it.”
Other children suggested adjustments to the dishes and the catering team noted their feedback for future planning.
Catering Manager, Ben, said: “We run Taste Buddies every six weeks or so. We give pupils passports for their food journey around the world, and they get stamped if they are willing to give this new food a try.
Introducing dishes prior to putting them on the menu increases chances that pupils will give foods they haven’t encountered a chance, and helps them start good healthy eating habits, early, which also allows them to be more adventurous both at home and on holiday.”
Head of Junior School, Rachel Capper, said: “We love to give our pupils opportunities to experience food they may not come across day-to-day to broaden their horizons as citizens of the world.”
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