Libby has been selected for a wonderful position of responsibility for which we congratulate her!
She tells us about it in her own words:
“I’m the Mount’s representative for York Youth Council, an organisation which works to help improve youth voice in York and influence decision making. We’re hoping to make improvements to the lives of young people and work on other projects such as environmental campaigns.
The Make Your Mark project is something Youth Council has been working on alongside Youth Parliament and all the Youth Councils in the UK. It is a youth ballot for people aged 11-18. On this ballot there are around ten options that young people can vote for, regarding what they would like to see improving both regionally and nationally. These votes are then counted and taken to the Youth Parliament, where the winning option will influence decision making, agendas and also local campaigns and projects. This project is an amazing way introduce young people to the democratic process and how they will be able to vote in the future.
I ran this vote in form times from Years 7-11 over a few weeks, getting them all to vote on what they want to see improved. I really enjoyed engaging the school in this process and hopefully it has been a fun project for younger girls to take part in. I think the project aligns well with the Quaker values of The Mount and making sure all voices are heard.”
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