Medical Society Lecture

Amy kindly visited the School to talk to the Medical Society (MedSoc) about the application process to medicine-based courses, her time at medical school and her foundation years in Sheffield and London. Amy is currently working as a Locum Doctor ahead of a move to practise medicine abroad later this year.
Amy provided some insightful first-hand advice to The Mount’s aspiring Doctors, Nurses and Veterinarians. “My advice would be to really understand the reasons you want to study medicine. I had five reasons that I wrote down and knew well before my interviews.”
The Mount girls were most interested to hear about the different scenarios Amy experienced at her Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI). MMI puts you through several short assessments in different scenarios. Examples Amy faced included working out drug calculations, consoling a patient’s family and even telling the interviewer which medical TV shows she enjoyed! “I answered Scrubs which probably wasn’t the best answer,” laughed Amy!
Amy spoke of how she was grateful for the variety of practice she had received at The Mount School from being interviewed by a teacher, responding to a scenario in front of College pupils and interview practice with the Rotary club. “The Mount taught me to be able to talk to adults, to have the confidence to chat with people I don’t know and to be empathetic to others.”
After telling the Year 11 and Sixth Form students about her experiences they then had an open discussion with topics including interview preparation, writing a personal statement, work experience, the NHS and the impact of Covid-19.
Mrs Thompson, UCAS Adviser who fondly remembers Amy’s commitment to her medical application, summed up the discussion by thanking Amy for her time, “Thank you Amy for visiting us today. We are so proud of you and all you have achieved. It has been so valuable for the girls to hear a down to earth account of how you have succeeded and achieved your goals.”
Read more about The Mount School’s Careers and UCAS guidance.