Welcome back to working in a Quaker School

As part of final preparations for the return of pupils and staff to school life, we were delighted to welcome back former Mount School Principal, Barbara Windle.
Barbara served as Principal of The Mount School between 1986 – 2000. Also, a member of the Quaker faith, Barbara spoke to staff about her personal experiences working in a Quaker School, introduced the Quaker Testimonies (STEPSS) and read from the Quaker Faith and Practice.
Barbara joined us as part of the two day Inset training programme, which included mandatory health and safety refresher training, the introduction to policy and procedure updates and a curriculum update. Academic Departments also met to discuss the exciting year ahead.
As a Quaker School, The Mount School’s ethos is shaped by the Quaker testimonies of; Simplicity, Truth & Integrity, Equality & Justice, Peace and Sustainability and it is therefore important that we regularly reflect on their importance and relevance to working in School and to modern society.
To discover more about the Quaker Faith in education, and life at a Quaker School, visit us at our upcoming Open Day. Here helpful and knowledgeable members of our academic and support staff will be available to answer any questions you may have and to welcome you to look round our school and grounds.
Register for our October Open Day