On Tuesday afternoon Senior School scholars enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea to welcome and congratulate girls who have been awarded scholarships from September 2022. Guests included new scholars who are joining The Mount in September.
The pupils enjoyed cream scones, cakes and hot chocolate. They were joined by teaching staff from across the School who represent the Academic, Art, Music, Performing Arts and Sport Scholarships.
During a welcome speech the scholars, were asked if anyone knew the meaning of the word. Scholars were invited to understand their ability to ‘give back’ by inspiring others around them to do their best. After posing for a group photo the girls were encouraged to speak to one another about their different scholarships and how they can help to inspire others. The room was a buzz with chatter as girls from different year groups enjoyed chatting over their hot chocolate and cakes!
“I liked learning the origin of the word ‘scholar’ was Latin and means ‘to belong’.” – India (Year 6)
“I enjoyed talking to the Senior School scholars.” – Melanie (Year 6)
“I met some new friends.” – Edith (Year 6)
“The Scholars Tea was very enjoyable. I had the chance to speak with other scholars who I don’t normally see around, like some of the College girls, and also met some new people.” – Katelyn (Year 9)
The Mount offers Academic, Art, Music, Performing Arts and Sport scholarships in the Senior School