New College Leadership Team Announced

The new College Leadership Team, which was announced this morning to take over the duties of the retiring Team, will serve and lead the school.
Isla, Alicia, Hannah and Sasha are the new College Leaders, and Sonia is the new Boarding Leader.
Michael Spiers, Head of College, said today, “The field of candidates was exceptionally strong. Leadership skills are being promoted throughout College, to imbue these strong, confident young women with the skills and experience necessary to shape society, politics, science and the Arts. The College Leadership Team will now work closely with the Form Captains to further strengthen relationships across the year groups and lead the College into a new and exciting era.”
“The selection process was very thorough,” says Alicia, thoughtfully. “And quite intense,” adds Sasha. “It needed a good amount of preparation,” says Hannah. “It really made us feel like we worked hard for selection,”says Sonia. “Everyone had the chance to show what they can do,” concludes Isla in an exchange that shows the girls already speak and think as a team.
Sonia says, “I am looking forward to helping improvements in boarding around the house and in the community.”
Isla, Alicia and Sasha, who were pupils in the Junior School all have older sisters who also attended The Mount. They said today, “To think that all those years ago in Junior School we’d look up to the Head Girls as a group of people to be admired. To now be that group is both daunting and amazing. The school has been part of our lives for so long, that to be now serving the school as College Leaders feels like we are giving back.”
Rachel Capper, Head of The Mount Junior School, said, “We are all so proud of Isla, Alicia and Sasha for being chosen as the new College Leaders. During their years in the Junior School the girls showed quiet confidence, creative thinking, independent thinking and cheerful, bubbly personalities. They will be wonderful role models to the younger girls. ”
Because girls occupy every role in the school, Mount girls see leadership as a natural progression for them. Older girls are kind and capable leaders, free of arrogance, and the younger girls look up to these role models whose leadership they will one day emulate. Girls are encouraged to take charge and have the confidence to put themselves forward. It this is same confidence which allows them to be compassionate and speak out for social justice.
The retiring College Leaders are Kelly, Amy, Grace and Isobel, who are now on Study Leave for their final A Level examinations.