At The Mount Sixth Form, our culture encourages girls to believe that nothing is beyond their reach. Every one of our girls grow into bold and independent young women.
Being in the Sixth Form is a time when girls experience rapid personal and academic development, as they become young women. Having a girls’ only Sixth Form enables our girls to continue their learning and develop their leadership skills without limited opportunities. Below are some of the many benefits of choosing an all-girls education at The Mount Sixth Form.
Academic Achievement
In The Mount Sixth Form girls are free to pursue academic excellence in any subject. The results speak for themselves. In 2023, 37% of A Level grades were A*-A and 75% of A Level grades were A*-B. Over 90% of girls went on to attend their first choice Universities with the remaining taking a planned gap year or apprenticeships. In the last few years girls from The Mount have gone on to study at top Universities including Oxford, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Exeter, Imperial College London and Cornell (USA).
Tailored Teaching
Girls mature faster than rapidly in their teen years and so does the way they learn. Our A level teaching is tailored to empower our girls, inspiring and motivating them as their intellect develops. Mount girls are free to participate in all lessons in all subjects.
Encouragement in every subject
In The Mount Sixth Form there is no stereotyping, especially when it comes to subject selection. We want our girls to choose the A level courses that suit them and their passions. We champion the educational needs of groups where girls are underrepresented in STEM and major careers. Compared to Co-ed schools girls educated at all-girls school are three times more likely to go on and study STEM careers (GSA research).
Leadership and Role Models
At The Mount girls occupy every role; every lead part in the play, every position in every team, every leadership role. Mount Sixth Form girls have a wealth of opportunities for self-exploration and development. Our girls are inspired to take charge and put themselves forward. Sixth Form girls act as role models for our younger students who learn that girls can confidently lead.
Career Aspirations
We are dedicated to helping our pupils flourish during their final school years whilst preparing them for life beyond school. Career aspirations are not limited and girls are encouraged to believe in themselves. If girls want to study Engineering, Medicine, Fashion, Art, take a gap year or enter the world of work we will help them achieve this. Popular courses with Mount girls have been as wide ranging as Engineering, Dentistry, Modern Languages, Medicine, Marketing, Politics, Policing, History and Hotel Management, to name but a few.