Girls in Year 6 and girls joining The Mount for Year 7 in September enjoyed a fantastic Transition into Year 7 morning today, solving an exciting murder mystery in a Cluedo-styled online team maths puzzle.
The girls were split into their Senior School Houses, (Cadbury, Fry, Rowntree and Terry, named for Quaker families) and worked on the solving the clues, playing the Cluedo game and, ultimately, solving the mystery. They worked in teams and were joined by College House Captains and Year 9 House Captains who assisted and hosted the online sessions.
The Year 6 girls said:
“It was enjoyable working with the Senior school and lovely to see the new ‘soon to be’ Mount girls.“
“It was fun to get to know the new girls in your house.“
“We didn’t solve the mystery but we had fun!“
“I guessed the murder first time!“
“It was fun to do something different.“
“I am really looking forward to the new experience in Senior School.“
The teams had to solve their own mystery, based on the clues they collected and processes of elimination. The solutions included: Miss Terry, in the Library with a hockey stick; Colonel Cadbury, in the Sports Hall, with a hockey stick; Colonel Cadbury in the Science Laboratory, with a compass (ouch!)
The girls’ enthusiasm and team spirit won the praise from their House Captains. Elise, who is Terry House Captain in College I, noted, “I really enjoyed helping out with the Year 6 to 7 Transition Day, where I helped to host the Cluedo Murder Mystery with Terry’s House. It was so nice to see the enthusiasm from the girls as their confidence grew through the morning while solving the clues. All the girls seem very lovely and so intelligent. I can’t wait to see them in September when they join Senior School!“
Georgia, also in College I, said, “I was with the Rowntree girls today working on the Murder Mystery. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the younger years and getting to know them more. It was great to see the Year 6s together at school; they all seem so happy to be in each others company. Not only did I enjoy getting to know better the Mount’s Year 6s, it was super to meet some of the external girls who will join for the first time in September. I loved hearing about their interests and favourite subjects. I truly am looking forward to meeting them again in September. Additionally, I thought today was a great opportunity for the girls to mix. It was unfortunate they couldn’t meet in person, but to working together remotely on a problem shows they are going to be a super set of Year 7s in the Autumn term!“