Abigail’s Fond Farewell Speech

As the former College II Senior Leadership Team make their final preparations before embarking onto the next chapters in their academic journey, we reflect on their moving and thought-provoking speeches and fond farewells as they hand the baton over to the next generation.
“How do you put an experience like The Mount into words? I first came to The Mount when I was 3 years old. That’s 15 years ago. 15 years that I have spent making memories that I will cherish forever. From dressing up as Scooby-Doo, to climbing up ice capped mountains in the pouring rain, to performing our own kazoo concerts. I am so thankful to The Mount for encouraging us all to be ourselves and for accepting us all for who we are.
Life at The Mount isn’t like life at other schools. At other schools you don’t know every face that you pass in the corridors or look forward to lessons because the teachers are also your friends. At other schools you don’t have to explain covering girls in baked beans during Games in the Dark! It is these things that make The Mount what it is – a community. I have always thought that one of the most amazing things about the school is its community. Here you get to know everyone so well, not in only in form classes, but across the year groups, and know all the teachers and staff.
The standard of teaching here at The Mount is incomparable. Staff undoubtedly go home to their families with some unusual tales to tell! Whether it is catching us dancing or creating an elaborate shrine to Shawn Mendes. We hope that during our time here you have been suitably entertained! I can say without a shadow of a doubt that you have repeatedly gone above and beyond for us, and I cannot describe how much that has meant.
To everyone in College II, I want to say thank you for being such remarkable people, for always being there in good times and in bad and for making it so hard to say goodbye. Our lives won’t be the same when we leave school, but I hope we will still be in each other’s. I know there are welcome memories that each one of us will leave here treasuring.
I am a real advocate for The Mount School as I recognise how it has shaped me so much as a person. I have gained determination, personality, a wonderful education but most of all confidence. I will sincerely miss The Mount. It has not only been a school, but it has also been a home. As I look out into the crowd of friendly faces, I can say to you all that it has been a great honour to share my time here with you. Thank you.”